Club Meeting with Lizz Quain

Renaissance Seattle Hotel Contact us here for more info.
Apr 2, 2024
7:30 am
- 8:30 am
Apr 2, 2024
7:30 am
- 8:30 am

Lizz Quain is a traveler, digital nomad, entrepreneur, alternative education advocate, and worldschooling parent to 15-year-old twin girls. She’s passionate about learning about other cultures, and has traveled to nearly 50 countries and lived in several. Her family has been traveling for most of the past 7 years visiting or living in 20 countries. Lizz is also a Seattle area native, UW grad, and former brick-and-mortar children’s business owner.

Through her thrice-yearly Trailblazing Families 12-week group course, Lizz helps parents learn how to travel extensively and world-school their children… so they can live the life of their dreams with more knowledge, confidence, and ease while raising thriving global citizens.