Emerald City Rotary sponsors students who demonstrate servant leadership and academic excellence with college scholarships. We feel this is the best way to uphold our core mission: “We are dedicated to the future of our community by serving the educational needs of young people.”
The Henry Nielsen Scholarship is awarded each year to qualified seniors who go through an application and evaluation process. Emerald City is proud to assist under-served students in achieving their educational goals. This scholarship is named in honor of Henry Nielsen, a previous member of Emerald City, who had a lifelong commitment of serving children and education.
The Servant Leadership Scholarship is managed by the Rotary Club of Emerald City Foundation. The program issues an annual award or awards to deserving high school and college applicants.
This is a thank you letter from one of our scholarship recipients:
Hi All,
I wanted to reach out to the scholarship committee, if possible, but this also addresses the Emerald City Rotary Club as a whole. I was a recipient of the Emerald City Rotary Club Scholarship in 2018.
Everyday I think back to the beginnings of my adventure, from elementary to more recently, post high school graduation. With many high school graduations coming up this weekend, I figured this was a perfect time to reach out. This previous year was hard for many reasons and I hope that the Emerald City Rotary Club has been staying safe while continuing to lead and inspire.
I wanted to give thanks for the Emerald City Rotary Scholarship that helped me with my first year of college. I will be entering my senior year after this summer and while I haven’t been up to date applying to scholarships, I know that the Emerald City Rotary had a huge impact on my career path and trajectory. I am where I am because of the support, both from the members of the Rotary Club and financially. I am able to pursue and chase my passions knowing that I have support in all aspects and that others believed and still believe in me to create change and make an impact. It’s difficult to express how grateful I am, truly, in words through an email, but I really want to emphasize how every single moment from applying, hearing back, attending a meeting, and then attending college with aid have stuck with me and inspired me.
Wishing the Rotary Club all the best.
Generous Yeh