Club Meeting with Jessica Rimington

Renaissance Seattle Hotel Contact us here for more info.
Apr 4, 2023
7:30 am
- 8:30 am
Apr 4, 2023
7:30 am
- 8:30 am

Jess Rimington is a small-business practitioner and inclusive economy strategist. She is the co-author of Beloved Economies: Transforming How We Work which offers readers an imagination-expanding vision of the workplace and seven practices as a springboard for changing how we work.

Jess served as a visiting scholar at Stanford University’s Global Projects Center and co-director of the Beloved Economies research initiative, learning alongside more than sixty organizations and companies that were boldly breaking out of business as usual and generating forms of success that audaciously prioritized well-being, meaning, connection, and resilience. Prior, Jess served as managing director of an economic change collective called  /The Rules and executive director of a global education organization rooted in power-sharing principles.

Topic: “Changing how we work can change the economy”

 The pandemic has made it achingly apparent that our current ways of work are not sustainable. Based on extensive research and historical analysis, Jess will share why transforming how we work is a surprisingly potent lever for overall societal change. She will discuss uncomfortable truths about the origins of work practices in the United States, and ask us to question the foundation of work itself while offering concrete ways to step into our power to activate potent transformation and healing in our day-to-day work. Reorienting how we work to share power can unlock well-being, meaning, and connection that repairs and regenerates.