Club Meeting with Mat Chacon

Cornish College of the Arts For more info, contact us here.
Oct 18, 2022
7:30 am
- 8:30 am
Oct 18, 2022
7:30 am
- 8:30 am
Going from Downtown To Downrange – My Life As A Recovering CEO Turned Conflict Photographer. 
Mat shares his story from spending 22 years as the CEO and founder of successful software companies, to navigating high-risk conflict zones across the globe as a full-time photojournalist documenting the journey to freedom through conflict. His photos have won numerous awards, been displayed in galleries around the world, and the photographs he captured in Seattle’s CHOP Zone are now in the Smithsonian. Learn about Mat’s journey from CEO to conflict photographer and how he is using his photography to inspire people into actions of enduring transformation that help our fellow human beings improve their stations in life and succeed where prosperity and peace might otherwise only be a dream.